Sunday, May 5, 2013

Old Fashioned Blue Gingham Apron

You can picture your Grandma in this apron.  An apron that wasn't just used in the kitchen, but one she wore throughout the day to keep her dress clean.  Back then they wore dresses, pants were only for men and boys.  Even in the movies they would vacuum in their heels and pretty aprons.
Old Fashioned Blue Gingham aprons in our Aunt Rose style apron.  We have the Aunt Rose apron style in many other pretty apron fabrics. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Canning Aprons

In the fall we are busy putting up all the vegetables from our garden.  You just have to keep a smile on your face when you spend long hours in the kitchen.  It is very important also to enjoy the apron you have on.  This was around Halloween so the Hokus Pokus apron was appropriate. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Grandma Apron

Mothers Day is around the corner so at Stitch Thru Time we wanted to post a Grandma apron that would bring back the memories of days gone by.
Many of you would probably remember Grandma in her everyday aprons and then the one that hung on the back of the door that she would put on when she had company come.  It seemed to have less stains and not as faded.
At Stitch Thru Time we honor the tradition of old fashioned aprons.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stitch Thru Time Patriotic Aprons

Stitch Thru Time Patriotic Aprons
At Stitch Thru Time we specialize in old fashioned aprons. 
All of our aprons are made in America fashioned like our grandmother and mother used to make.